Wednesday, June 23, 2010

week one -diet

I started paying attention to how I nourish my body. I do make a conscious effort to stay away from processed foods - like those meals in a box. I noticed I tend to eat foods depending on the seasons. For instance, during the summer months I consume sweet, water-based refreshing fruits and vegetables. In colder months, hearty-heavy stews or pot roast, warm fruit pies, etc.

Paying closer attention to the foods I eat and how my body reacts.

1 comment:

  1. I also have been really watching what I put into my mouth. In terms of regular daily activity, it is pretty easy for me to eat great, healthy, fresh and organic foods. However, I become a MONSTER between 9pm and bedtime (usually late with my schedule), and up again at 4 or 5am. So....I noticed once again, the stone ground wheat crackers - an entire sleeve - gone. Will be working on staying more in tune with what I really need. I imagine I will feel much "lighter" sticking to just a few crackers. :)
