Sunday, July 25, 2010

Week 5 Ending, Excavation Questions.....

1) How much do I believe in myself, and how does this play out in my everday life?
Before I opened my book tonight to look at this week's questions, I was just acknowledging how far I have "come" in the past few years in regards to this. In ways that are not important to others, but ways that are important to me, I am seeing a huge shift in my life towards a place where I am really beginning to believe in myself and follow the ideas that come and decisions I make. I am learning to accept ALL of me as a blessing and not as something wrong because I may think a little differently or act in my life differently than those who surround me.
This recent acceptance and "celebration" in a sense has given me a new found love for diversity of choice, and is allowing me to really seek out what I want my life to look like (even if that vision changes every so often).

1a) Do I trust my intuition? If so or not, what results does this produce?
Coming from question 1, yes....more and more I am trusting my intuition. For example, I have been in relationships where things just did not feel right but I was not sure so I stuck it out, working against the natural flow and struggling so much, creating unnecessary sadness for myself. Now, when I began to get a "gut" feeling, I may sit with it a little, but I really allow that feeling to be explored and work towards understanding the true nature of my intuition. My gut has never steered me to a bad destination yet!

2) When, where, and with whom do I feel the most grounded? With my friends? When I am by myself?
This question has multiple answers. Sometimes, I find complete peace and relaxation by myself and then once in a while, I become anxious when in my own company. It all depends on me - if I am centered, or at least stopping to breathe and be in the present moment, I am grounded wherever I am. With that said, sometimes I do love the company of myself, other times, I enjoy being surrounded by a single friend or family member, and then there are those moments where I want to be in a room full of people.

3) How mindful am I of even the smallest details of my days? Am I present enough to notice all the actions I take?
Being mindful in my daily life and work creates a really nice work experience, in comparison to not being mindful. I do spend time nurturing this quality in my life because without it, I create mindless chatter that is not supportive to me or effective in my life. When I take the time to be mindful of all (or nearly all) of my actions each day, I feel like each day is meaningful and I am not wasting time or living robotically. Mark brought up some really great thoughts recently about living a robotic life, versus living a life where we are truly engaged and alive. I want to be fully alive in my life. It is so true that when we miss those little moments, they add up to the sum total of our lives. Carpe diem! :)

3a) Am I truly "there" in the daily moments of my life?
often yes, but not always - as mentioned above....this is a work in progress.

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