Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Have Some Fruit :)

Yesterday, I woke up super early to get on a flight back to Jacksonville. I got all my stuff together and hopped in a cab. All I had was books, my suitcase and some fruit.

So, I get to customs and say I have fruit- what kind of fruit? Mandarin oranges- peeled mandarin oranges. They sent me into a little room- I thought, SHIT, I'm in trouble! Turns out that since my mandarin organges were already peeled- it was not a problem. PHEW. The PEELS would have created a problem.

I get to my gate and take out my 40 days book and realize- WEEK 4- fruit fast or feast- whatever you'd like to call it. Funny how all I had was fruit- mandarins, blueberries, peaches and a plum (altho I didn't tell customs I had all of that!!) but I had been to a beautiful farmers market over the weekend in Vancouver and I could not just leave the fruit behind. . .

SO, what a perfect place to be- stuck in an airport with only fruit to eat (or nasty fast food) so I said: "I will start my fast right now" and so I did.

Now 15 hours into day 2, I sit here eating my lunch- tomatoes, avocado and lemon juice (with a bit of hot sauce- this is the only way I can do it!). . . I cheat a little- but that is what gets me through the day- my hot sauce!

Today I have already eaten: bananas, half a watermelon, plums and an apple & lemon juice- I'm not much of a sweet fruit eater. . . but I try!

But I must say that I feel amazing. I feel light and also feel a light headache coming on. . . which is the reason I didn't make it to the meeting last night- I get headaches when I only eat fruit. But today I will keep my headache away by eating more fruit!

Anyone else cleansing?!

I do have to admit that yesterday I was daydreaming of a steak dinner. HA!

But yes, getting back to what I am feeling. . . I feel light and fresh- anyone else? and I was able to focus in meditation this morning- for the first time since saturday. . .


  1. My head is really hurting, too. I've been trying to hold off on the ibuprofen but I think I'm going to have to give in on that.

    Meditation was much easier for me this morning, also -- I didn't realize that was one of the side effects but I certainly welcome it!

  2. Day 1 of fruit for me too:) I did have one little cheat: My homemade sprouts were ready to eat so I ate one bowl with some vinegar and shared the rest with a friend. I do enjoy the lighter feeling. I eat sooooo much so this is nice. It is much easier knowing we are doing this together :)
