Monday, July 19, 2010

End of Week 4, excavation questions....

Week 4 Excavation Questions

1) What excess baggage am I carrying around with me?
Food issues and negative self talk. Not big ones but little ones that hold me back from being my healthiest in body and mind, and these little things get in the way, and hold me back. I begin to believe that I am "stuck" in these old patterns and forget that I can choose to create new habits and patterns at any time.
What thoughts, feelings, worries, or past situations am I clinging to that drain me?
THOUGHTS (words): saying seemingly "mindless" things like, "I have a big butt", or "I am fat"
If I say these things over and over, I will believe them - and THEY DRAIN ME
Also - saying that I don't know if I will ever find a true love (I have found it in some aspects of my life but not in others). By saying this over and over, I am building this into my hard wiring
PAST SITUATIONS: periodially, I find myself remembering past situations in which I have let someone down and I fall back into the emotion of it

2) What do I need most to let go of?
OLD PATTERNS, Rigid behaviors (working on this and moving forward slowly), negative statements about myself, the idea that I am stuck with disordered eating forever
What are the things that I would be relieved to finally release?
Anger toward someone in my life? Stress about money? Fears that arose from a past negative experience?
Okay with these items for the most part.
3) Do I really give myself enough time to relax and restore myself? How can I carve out more time for this?
No. I want to say I do but the reality is I don't. I don't need a lot of time for myself but I pack my schedule alot so a little more down time would be nice.
I am working on this by changing my schedule to carve out a little time every day but more importantly, working toward a slightly more uniform schedule. My haphazard schedule is nice on some fronts but on others, not so much. It sets me up to be available for work for very long hours everyday. In the future, will condense work hours more.

Also, I am working to make each moment really sacred, to be totally "present" for each moment, whether working or off, and it is making a huge difference in how I feel on a regular basis throughout the day.

1 comment:

  1. That body image thing is just a part of your lie (you are enough). We have similar issues...I am doing better with the body image thing as I get older, but still there as well. From type A personality and also parental comments, etc. I have to realize my parents did the best they could and that's what I have done. I think you saying that we have a choice to change old patterns any time is right on. It's hard, but possible. You hang in there girlie, as I think you are just have to know that and you will!
